originally posted in:Xbox 360 Destiny Gamers
Looking for a group of mature players for end game activities etc.
I need people to play with too! I hate getting stuck with kids on this. I'm 24 currently leveling up my titan which is 19 striker and I also have a warlock level 28. I still need to do the vault of glass! Help! My tag is aimwahx
Hey I'm 25 and im looking for active players. I have a lvl 25 Sunslinger warlock, add me gt is J3wBoi420
"Mature" nice
Add me gt is the same as above.
I'm 25, graduate student playing mostly later at night and weekends. Gt same as here.
Yeah I'm in the same boat, I'm 32. Add me in and we'll try and catch a game some time.
Hey there, I'm also looking for mature players. I'm a lvl 28 voidwalker warlock in the game and a 33 yr old professional irl. KatzeHalifornia