And the only time I have done a NF and not died...I too (and the party) pulled Exotics.
Which is why I'm trying to figure out IF there is an increase in drop probability based on time spent and deaths.
It would be really interesting if that were the case.
I'll find out tonight when I make my 3 attempts if that holds true. Because believe it or not...I did it Sunday (forgot about this) and carried my son through it with his lvl 28 on the NF and he pulled the Mk 44 greaves. First time I ever saw armor drop in a NF and I again did not die. but yes he did plenty of times so I'm thinking it doesn't matter who dies, so long as 1 person in the party does not the entire strike.
You've definitely got to let me know what you get.
2 games. I died first game = legendary 0 deaths second game = TLW teammate lived entire time first game he pulled a Gjallahorn I say it's the deal
It works.
Need more details. Interested to hear.
see below. so long as 1 person doesn't die you will get an exotic. 2 runs. each time one guy never died. 2 exotics. Ghallahorn and The Last Word
Wow. Can't wait to try this out next week!
well last run no deaths 1 legendary for me 2 legendary for one guy and nothing for our third
Two out of three ain't bad!
no I'm not complaining. The other guy did. lol Maybe there's something to the not dying and overall stats (speed + kills) but the past two weeks are the most exotics I've ever seen drop
You could be onto something here
doing last run now....
Keep me posted