Any other family peeps out there have to balance Destiny with work, kids and a wife/girlfriend? My wife puts up with Destiny but it's mostly because I don't play till kids are tucked in and read to and I try and watch a show of my wife's choosing before jumping on. Stay on late get up early... Worth it!
What is everyone's ritual for getting to Destiny without getting in trouble with the family?
Edit: I love that I'm not alone in this. I can't believe how many people have the identical schedule as mine! Must be why I always find good randoms when I'm on, we are all family men. #destinydadsunite
Edit: We got our first Toxic Troll response. So I would like to give the award for biggest buzzkill to SEANY, You earned it bro.
Edit: WOW GUYS AND GALS!!! I woke up to hundreds more comments and 99% of them are positive! It's amazing to see so many good family peeps finding a healthy balance between gaming, work and family. You people are amazing and I'm not sure I've smiled so much reading these posts.
Edit: over 1000 replies!!!! Nice to see so many awesome people out there and hardly any trolls! Stay real guardians.
Dads of Destiny (DoD). Join up, find a clan. Always good dudes on to play with day or night, and we understand if someone has to jump off and get a kid back in bed, change a diaper etc. Best of all NO TOXIN!
There are very few times that I have played with the sound on.
Married.....3 kids Play after they go to bed.......luckily the wife goes to bed early.
Edited by Heathen_801: 3/5/2015 1:59:59 AM\/That guy has daddy issues
What system u on? I work shift work. Wife .. 2 kids and play all the time when they are in bed. Lol Shoot me a msg . Im always up for new players to grind or raid with.
Yeah I usually wait till the daughter and wife are asleep, then boom ROC strikes and dip.
My issue with FAMILY MAN is that Nicolas Cage wasn't that believable throughout the ordeal.
I wait till everyone's asleep ... Pack myself a fat bowl then I shoot aliens ... High
Daughter in bed at 7pm. TV with wife till 10-11pm. Destiny until 2-4am. Work/College at 8am. Living the dream.
Edited by nV Drippin: 3/5/2015 1:14:20 AMUp at 6 for the gym, work from 8-4, hang with the kids till they go to bed at 7pm, wife time spent watching fag reality shows till 10pm, destiny till 2, rinse repeat..and I'm only 23, living the dream son
Kid to bed at 9. Watch whatever is on the DVR with wife then hit a destiny till bed.
Yup. 4 12hr days at work, 2 full days at school. One day off to get stuff together. GF too. The struggle is real.
Im only 21 and i dont have kids, but finding time to game is still pretty hard for me. I got work, college, and my fiance so the only free time i have is the time that im supposed to be sleeping lol i had to give destiny up cause of this. Just too much of a time commitment required.
I feel your "pain" :) I'm on the same boat. Started to play Destiny on last November and I have roughly 100 hours of playtime in 3 game characters. Needless to say that I'm very lucky if I'm able to play one hour each day. I have the same routine as yours but I have to get up early in the morning so there's not that much time. That's the major reason why I've never done a raid, they take way too long for the time I have free. Cheers :)
I just played with your wife. seems there was a hidden chest you weren't aware of. She likes hard mode btw ;)
This is why I'll never have kids
My wife and i both play. But i have to balance between work and school. Took a break for a while. Still only play a couple days a week really. Gaming is my hobby and not a necessity. Luckily we grew a clan of like minded people.
My dad played Destiny, he bought me a PS4 and so I could play the game with him
I can only play when the wife and kiddos are in bed...
My wife and I both play. We have 2 boys (1 and 7) and I work 5 days a week. The struggle is real.
Play when my girl is not home. Or at least asleep
Truuuuuuuuu, love my wife, my kid, and the one that hasn't been born yet that's still cookin, and destiny. I don't like deployment time in the afghanaland and I don't like the small amount of time I get to play destiny. #nolandbeyondfanclub Though
Tea parties and movies with my wife and daughter during the day and a Guardian at night.
Dude. The struggle is real. 2 kids and a wife that works overnights Sunday-Tuesday. Get the kids in bed and chores done by 730-8 then pour a drink and enjoy some destiny. She never bothers me because she knows I take care of everything beforehand and just need some time to decompress. It gives her time to watch her shows as well.
I work the swing shift right now. 2pm-10:30pm. Spend the mornings with the wife and kiddo, when I get home around 11-11:30 I play 2-3 hours then head to bed. Weekends are hit and miss