List your Nightfall rewards for this week. Feel free to either praise RNGesus and gloat about what you got or vent your greatest frustrations with RNGesus. I haven't done it yet, but I'll let you know what I get once I do.
EDIT: Did the Nightfall, and I got Thunderlord! PRAISE BE TO RNGESUS!!!!
EDIT 2: Lots of people getting Gally I see. RNGesus is being awfully kind this week. On the other hand, I see more people getting crap weapons or crap perks or shards.
Ooh you know..... the best rewards ou there. Warlock lvl 32: 9 coins Warlock lvl 31: 12 shards Hunter lvl 29: 11 coins Best week evar!!! [spoiler]no not really[/spoiler]