.... You can bring 1 ship into battle. What would you ride into battle and why?
It can be from any book, movie, game or show.
Avoid superweapons
Plus 100 Internet points for style :)
[spoiler]my choice would be Anubis's Flagship from Stargate SG1[/spoiler]
Edit great so far guys. I'm gonna have to ban the Death Star though. Why? 1 it's a superweapon and 2 it's technically a space station. Keep the answers coming!
Against 1100 post I ride into battle the edit button!
Edit: 2000 posts Sayeth whaaaat?
A pelican't.
Arwing from Starfox64
The Daedalus (stargate sg1/atlantis) Asgard beam pew pew pew
Nvm, reaper capital ship "No known ship, even a dreadnought. Has been known to survive a hit from its weapon, armed with tendrils that can tear through most ships in a single hit."
Is anything other than the Starship Enterprise really a valid option?
Or unit 0 from evangelion 1 of the 2
Probably slave 1 since according to destiny concept art the cabal ships look like giant fvcking pyramids and will probably crash into each other.
Introduce the replicators to the cabal! Have fun with that!!!
Malevolence from the clone wars. Giant emp wave will wipe them out in an instant
Destiny from stargate go hide in the sun :)
Edited by Crypto -PS4-: 3/4/2015 2:00:39 PMEDIT: Warbird!
Edited by Ba7chy90: 3/4/2015 1:15:01 PMThe Nebuchadnezzar.. Does that mean neo comes to? If not then id just get a piggy back off superman.
Vought F4U Corsair Refitted with a propulsion device that fires solar grenades. :)
Probably the RV space ship from Spaceballs. Mostly for shits and giggles
Slave I
Millennium falcon
Edited by Slurpy: 3/4/2015 1:39:39 PMThe DEATH STAR along with Chuck Norris
the g'horn ..
I don't need a ship. I can take on those thousand ships with my bare hands! [spoiler]No not really...[/spoiler]
The Executioner, Super Class Star Destroyer
Reaper drone from mw3
The Normandy from ME. Except I'm piloting. I've already chucked Joker out the airlock :3
The Covenant Class Ship, Long Night of Solace. You see how big that was?
A futuristic Queen Anne's Revenge that can fly.
Death Star Just use the laser+ all the other tie fighters
Edited by NateTheTurboVirgin: 3/4/2015 1:19:52 PMYou could move like five feet and the damn things won't shoot you