.... You can bring 1 ship into battle. What would you ride into battle and why?
It can be from any book, movie, game or show.
Avoid superweapons
Plus 100 Internet points for style :)
[spoiler]my choice would be Anubis's Flagship from Stargate SG1[/spoiler]
Edit great so far guys. I'm gonna have to ban the Death Star though. Why? 1 it's a superweapon and 2 it's technically a space station. Keep the answers coming!
Against 1100 post I ride into battle the edit button!
Edit: 2000 posts Sayeth whaaaat?
Edited by NateTheTurboVirgin: 3/4/2015 1:19:52 PMYou could move like five feet and the damn things won't shoot you
A fully maned and loyal Convent SuperCarrier. Fully armed. Unbeatable!
Edited by MidKnightRising: 3/4/2015 1:13:27 PMI'm going to detonate the rest of the halo rings, and kill all sentient life in the galaxy.
The malevolence from the animated Star Wars the clone wars.
Star Destroyer or Millenium Falcon easy
The Normandy from Mass Effect
Darth vader's executor flagship
Does a sovereign class reaper count as a ship?
The Normandy sr2
I need a Warframe suit, and Archwing. All set.
The Tardis.
Gunstar from the last starfighter
Edited by Cweik: 3/4/2015 12:54:13 PMGeth dreadnought. Seems like mass effect ships are best
I'd bring a freaking cabal ship. [spoiler]they would never suspect a thing....[/spoiler]
Destiny from SGU [spoiler]wink wink[/spoiler]
I'd bring the Didacts ship from Halo 4 and compose all of them
SSV Normandy from Mass Effect
Reaper harbinger from mass effect
Dreadnought class - USS Vengeance
Outlaw star....anyone?
Space ball one
I would bring the doomsday thing from star trek. nom nom bitch.
A flying carpet (from disney's alladin). They would not see it coming. I think we can all agree that this counts as a spaceship.
F-22 raptor...
Edited by TigBits: 3/5/2015 12:11:21 PMchoice 1 - TARDIS because it has infinite size and is powered by a suspended supernova choice 2 - Covenant Flagship Master chief stole just after he left the first Halo Installation - It has the plasma beams that "Cut through steel like butter" along with dozens of Plasma cannons choice 3 - Hyperion Flagship - Starcraft 2 - The Yomato cannon is gangster - Has a nice fold space jump to keep on the move as well Edit: This was my choice one, but has since been moved to support: Support Station - A maxed Vasari Rebel space station from Sins of a Solar Empire - It is capable of equipping many, many, many guns - it also has warp capabilities, provisions to house a full hangar, able to control a population remotely