.... You can bring 1 ship into battle. What would you ride into battle and why?
It can be from any book, movie, game or show.
Avoid superweapons
Plus 100 Internet points for style :)
[spoiler]my choice would be Anubis's Flagship from Stargate SG1[/spoiler]
Edit great so far guys. I'm gonna have to ban the Death Star though. Why? 1 it's a superweapon and 2 it's technically a space station. Keep the answers coming!
Against 1100 post I ride into battle the edit button!
Edit: 2000 posts Sayeth whaaaat?
Executor-class Super Star Destroyer
The chain reaction ship from Enders Game. 1 shot= cabal ships turned to 4th of July fireworks
Ghost from halo
The Defiant.
The muddafukkin SDF-1!
Edited by Bedlam74: 3/4/2015 4:14:01 AMGimme Honor Harrington and I'll let her pick the ship and crew.
The RV from Spaceballs, all day
Covenant Supercarrier. Banshees for life!
The titanic
UNSC Infinity
The Death Star is too slow. I'd take Macross from Robotech
I wouldnt even think of bringing in any other ship than the Normandy SR5
The enterprise for star trek from TNG or the borg cube ship
Edited by Necrotik: 3/4/2015 3:00:58 AMHahahaha this is easy. And Eclipse star destroyer or a super star destroyer
"The Executor" from Star Wars. If that's not allowed, then "Slave 1" from Star Wars.
I'd bring Harbinger. He's a ship. Technically.
For the smart choice, a Tardis, Cabal destroy planets and moons I can basically teleport one, just wait for them to fire at the planet i'm on then teleport it, they destroy themselves Only other thing can think of is a Scimitar, kill them all with radiation
I'd ride in on Falcor.
The enterprise
I would fly my -blam!-ing dick
the deathstar LOL
The Amistad
Psh, Millennium Falcon.
I'd fly in Stan Marsh's pinewood derby car.
Screw Anubis's flagship, what about an Ori ship? Or even just a replicator ship... 1000 Cabal ships quickly become 1000 friendly ships.