I didn't want to do this but...
*pulls out two modified ghallajorns*
Desticle?!??! *pulls out nitrogen cannon and fires* WTF I thought we had protection over thoes things
*blocks explosion with innocence force field of justice* ....look at more of the replies...I have explained I am not a desticle....
Oh... Heh sorry
Hmph...I forgive you. Now... Wanna buy some pants?
What kind?
Depends on your suggestion.... Come to my shop at the top of the thread.
*eye twitches* D-d-Desticle!?!? *draws knife*
Bro. I'm talking about two of heimdalls horns. The gods of raganrok will be on this army soon.
Good job knowing your Norse stuff. *lowers knife*
No problem. Man you got pretty hectic there. On edge?