I never saw the movie... Only read the book, wtf is this about chess!?
Idk lol ender likes games and I only saw the movie, does he become a super saiyan in the second book?
In Enders game he plays in a virtual world where anything he can think of (somewhat) shows up on the screen, and he 'practices' mock battles in zero gravity with a hand full of squadrons (5 teams of 4), and he ends up winning all of them. He becomes so good he graduates 4-5 years early, and is immediately made a leader of an entire army (or its leading up to it), I'm on the last 50 or so pages in that book, so I'll have to find out. It's really great! You should check it out!!! Definitely for 'gamers'. [b]Enders Game[/b] [i]by Orson Scott Card[/i]
No he becomes a F'ing priest thing and a negotiator between humans and aliens [spoiler]best job evar!![/spoiler]
Dude, he would wreak them with his teleporting box thingy.