Who was palpatine's master and what part of the force was he obsessed with?
Bonus question: what type of creature was palpatine's master?
Darth plageius and he was obssessed with researching the mitichlorians to extend life and eventually control it. He was a muun from Mygeeto.
Very good. He is my second favorite Sith Lord right after Bane (and Revan if you count him as a Sith Lord). Interesting to see what would have happened if he didn't die.
Yeah, he would have made an amazingly powerful character I'd not for that stulid rule of two...
He tried to end the rule of two. Palpatine killed him because he had become weak
Yeah "weak" is a very loose term in Sith speak.
Yeah, he would have made an amazingly powerful character I'd not for that stulid rule of two...