You're going to fly a normal fighter jet into space against a massive alien fleet. Good Luck
Not in space. In Earth's atmosphere. Electronic warfare, 2000 mph, stealth technology, heavy payloads, superior maneuverability. The electronic warfare alone would cripple any nearby Cabal warships. F-22a can emit electromagnetic pulses that essentially render any nearby computer systems into fancy paper weights. No aircraft that isn't analog would be able to remain airborn. They'd drop like dead weight and be done on impact with the ground. If the electronic warfare fails (highly unlikely), it packs heavy payloads, and it can out maneuver essentially anything short of a living bird. It is, for all intents and purposes, the ultimate death machine. And it isn't fantasy, it exists, and it's in service.
I didn't know that. But wouldn't the cabal just blow it apart before it got in range to use its EMP? Do EMPs even have a range.
Im sure they do. But the F-22a would be invisible (stealth) and be traveling at 2000 mph. If the emp was out of range, the long range payloads would do the trick. The F-22a can carry nuclear payloads, as well. There literally is nothing in known existence that can rival it. The kill/death ratio is pretty much flawless. And anything it faces is dead before it even knew the Raptor was there.
With the tecnology available in the tower you might be able to upgrade a f-22 to be able to travel to outer space
Edited by eaglex72: 3/4/2015 4:38:03 AM[quote]With the tecnology available in the tower you might be able to upgrade a f-22 to be able to travel to outer space[/quote] No doubt they'd retrofit it to be able to fly in space. The only issue is, none of these ships are realistic, there is no atmosphere in space. There is course correction, but free maneuverability? How? The fins on the space shuttle were for re-entry. Not for space flight maneuverability. If we were to face an alien fleet, our best hope would be to face them in our atmosphere. Do anti-gravity propulsion systems exist? Can we bend space time? I don't see how high end maneuverability would be feasible outside of an atmosphere, where wind resistence can be used to maneuver a flight craft
You do have a point there, if you like the f-22 at the very least you could make a spacecraft that looks limilar but that actually can fly on outer space
And it would still be a laughable choice.