To join Message killercrowder14 on Xbox live or leave gt below and follow him on Xbox live or you will not be invited must also be in game chat good luck: -p (this is on hard so you hafto be level 28 or higher or it won't let you join open 10 to 1 eastern standard and
Gt runduck
Inv Bladedlyric
Invite : zayho
Invite camdian612 please
Messaged you.
Messaged you.
Inv me gt:same as name already followed
invite me. KING ZEUS The i is a lower case L
Your Mom20000
What's happening with the fire team ????
Message Killercrowder14 then follow
You still giving it GT:PacmanFroggy
Gt LongbowAQ. Tried msg'ing him but couldn't find the GT.
Its Ninja Time4
Your Mom20000
Please invite me. My gt is [b]BlastedCrizzy[/b]
Gt DeeWhoadi
Commenting for later! Be on in 15 minutes
ABZ Cris