To join Message killercrowder14 on Xbox live or leave gt below and follow him on Xbox live or you will not be invited must also be in game chat good luck: -p (this is on hard so you hafto be level 28 or higher or it won't let you join open 10 to 1 eastern standard and
Hey i can help
Invite Plzzzz if u have the CP for gorgon gt itsLeelou
Invite me for gorgon cp, gt same
hook it up!!!
Invite me for gorgons chest
Invite please, gt same as name
Inv plz. Want to get it on both of my characters. Gt same as name
Da 808 BiGGiE
Cgr chaotix
Nut Williams
Gt: Hibachii x
Invite Sublime Vz
Invite KiRiRuLeZyOu
Invite gt above
My tag is hezikz
Need chest for just 1 character, GT RektBrah
Gt as above please invite
Invite please gt as above
Invite ^^gt
Please inv. Gt Sir Buggard