List your Nightfall rewards for this week. Feel free to either praise RNGesus and gloat about what you got or vent your greatest frustrations with RNGesus. I haven't done it yet, but I'll let you know what I get once I do.
EDIT: Did the Nightfall, and I got Thunderlord! PRAISE BE TO RNGESUS!!!!
EDIT 2: Lots of people getting Gally I see. RNGesus is being awfully kind this week. On the other hand, I see more people getting crap weapons or crap perks or shards.
I got the apotheosis veil for my warlock... Needed a helm so happy with that and got vanquisher... So happy I've wanted it for so long also got vex to drop from atheon this past week. Praise rngeeesus this week for he has blessed my drops.