Is there some magic rule that when you're solo'ing Crota that it goes sword>sword>ogres>sword>ogres and hit enrage rather then 2swords then ogres then 2 swords again?
Its really ruining all my fun...
In my experience of running Crota on normal when it first launched (haven't hit enrage via the 10 minute timer since that time) that's the order of when ogres appeared way back then for a full fireteam. It was swordbearer/swordbearer/ogres/ swordbearer/ogres/swordbearer/ogres(enrage) Then again I know the entire Crota fight is on a timer and ogres spawn at timed intervals so if you take too long to kill swordbearers and Crota rotates several times before each sword use I know ogres will spawn "randomly" in between swordbearers. I use quotes bc it's not really random but rather the timing is "off".