.... You can bring 1 ship into battle. What would you ride into battle and why?
It can be from any book, movie, game or show.
Avoid superweapons
Plus 100 Internet points for style :)
[spoiler]my choice would be Anubis's Flagship from Stargate SG1[/spoiler]
Edit great so far guys. I'm gonna have to ban the Death Star though. Why? 1 it's a superweapon and 2 it's technically a space station. Keep the answers coming!
Against 1100 post I ride into battle the edit button!
Edit: 2000 posts Sayeth whaaaat?
The leviathan from KoTOR 2 :) always love the badass graveyard star destroyer. If I can't go that big, absolutely the ebon hawk. Then the millennium falcon Then the T-47 Luke fried wamp rats in. Then a cardboard box. Then a cheese stick with wings. Then one of the ships from destiny.