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originally posted in:Social Drinkers
Edited by Batt Gaming 82: 3/13/2015 11:34:18 AM


THESE ARE GENERAL RULES FOR POSTING AND ARE SUBJECT TO BEING EDITED AS NEEDED. I WILL TRY TO NOT BE TOO RESTRICTIVE BUT PLEASE KEEP IN MIND WE HAVE A LOT OF MEMBERS! 1. Watch the language! Yes a lot of us are older and go nuts when it's all adults gaming together but we do have some kids that can read what's posted in here. 2. Don't post all these seperate topics for gamer tags. The forums have already been created and you're cluttering up the board. Find the right forum for your console and post there. Add a few people that have already posted while you're at it. New people coming in may add you....I think you see how this works now. 3. Don't create an lfg topic on the board, use the chat forums located in our subgroups (Social Drinkers XB1, Social Drinkers 360, Social Drinkers ps3, Social Drinkers ps4) to look for games on your specific console. This will save the main board (Social Drinkers) for general discussion. Once your post gets old it just sits there, again adding clutter. However, lfg topics may be allowed in subgroups to an extent. See a moderator for your console specific subgroup for details. (In other words it's up to them) 4. When lfg and posting requirements, I WILL kick you if you are constantly unreasonable with your requests. Example: you do not need to be level 31 with a ghorn to kill the templar. I'm not going to have over half our members miss out on the fun because they're missing the weapons YOU think they need. Invite with reasonable level requirements only though, and we're good. 5. If you have a seperate clan and come here looking for games, that's fine. But do NOT spam our boards with links to your clan. Obviously they aren't that great or you wouldn't have to come here to try and recruit people and look for games. I've let one guy slide. He'll be the only one because this rule wasn't in place. INSTANT BAN!

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  • If you can see this post look at the top right of your screen. Do you see the alliance nav button? Click it. Find the Social Drinkers branch for your console. Post lfg (looking for game) requests there. I've been patient so far but we keep encountering repeat offenders. My patience is wearing out.

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    Play nice. Take a minute to review our Code of Conduct before submitting your post. Cancel Edit Create Fireteam Post

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