If you're like me your missing some guns that you really want, be it gjallarhorn or fate bringer this method really works, so let's get started.
1st, if the weapon you want is a raid weapon go to where you get it (fatebringer=Templar black hammer=Normal Crota) if it's an exotic go to the boss of a nightfall or the VOG exotic chest
2nd, buy a sheep on Amazon, ONLY ON AMAZON!
3rd, Open up the room you play in by moving everything to the edge of the room
4th, cut off the goats leg and use it as a paint brush and its blood as paint, make sure you stop the bleeding so the goat doesn't die
5th, using the freshly cut leg paint a 6 point star in the open area of your room, make sure on of the points points towards your tv
6th, print a picture of the gun you want 6 times and put it each end of the star and the. Light a candle on top of each picture
7th, tell your friends in the game to get ready to kill the boss
8th on the countdown of five take the goat and sacrifice it to the gypsy gods and RNGESUS and as you hit the goat with the fatal blow yell out the weapon you want and "I have a small penis!"
9th, now your friends must kill the boss within ten seconds or the sacrifice and ritual was for nothing but as they are killing the boss you have to shove one of the lit candles up your ass and take the goat and have intercourse with it at the same time
10th, congratulations if you have successfully completed these steps you'll have the weapon you want
11th, enjoy weapon
You forgot that if you blink you must restart from step 1.