Any other family peeps out there have to balance Destiny with work, kids and a wife/girlfriend? My wife puts up with Destiny but it's mostly because I don't play till kids are tucked in and read to and I try and watch a show of my wife's choosing before jumping on. Stay on late get up early... Worth it!
What is everyone's ritual for getting to Destiny without getting in trouble with the family?
Edit: I love that I'm not alone in this. I can't believe how many people have the identical schedule as mine! Must be why I always find good randoms when I'm on, we are all family men. #destinydadsunite
Edit: We got our first Toxic Troll response. So I would like to give the award for biggest buzzkill to SEANY, You earned it bro.
Edit: WOW GUYS AND GALS!!! I woke up to hundreds more comments and 99% of them are positive! It's amazing to see so many good family peeps finding a healthy balance between gaming, work and family. You people are amazing and I'm not sure I've smiled so much reading these posts.
Edit: over 1000 replies!!!! Nice to see so many awesome people out there and hardly any trolls! Stay real guardians.
I do something similar. My wife allows me to play, but she doesn't like it. So I play after the girls go to bed. She lets me off easy on Tuesday's reset and Friday I can log in when I get home to do my Xurpping! But the rest of the time its from 9:30pm on. Thats after I get the kids to bed by 8:30 and spend some quality time with my wife. On weekends, I tend to not play at all except for during naptime/quiet time from 2-430 pm. It's a balancing act. On another note, don't worry about that TROLL SEANNY. I pulled his Bungie Character profile. He has 2 31's and a level 10. So one would assume maybe he plays a lot less than some of us. Nope... not the case. He has 19 days worth of play time under his belt. Thats over 450 hours of playtime. I dunno when he started, but it doesnt matter if he started day 1. Even starting on day one that means he has logged in approximately 3 hours per day since the game was dropped. If he is being truthful that he has a family and kids and a wife and a job and a life as he says he does, then he ABSOLUTELY has to work to balance his gametime. Thats a lot of gametime.