I'll take ammunition, preferably for high-caliber rifles or revolvers...
Ah lucky I have a few cases, here ya go* gives 5-6 cases of high-caliber ammo*
Thanks, just burned a bunch of .308 killing lennys.
Also*hands over note, it reads:if you ever need "questionable" items, Iv got some in the back, more expensive, but worth it at the same time*
*nods curtly* What do you have?
*whispers* got some inferno rounds, shredder rounds( these are the most fun) heavy artillery, super-heated sannernite power fist, and a bunch of other goodies
I have some of that back out at the Lucky 38, but i'll bring you some T-51 and some West Coast Enclave Tesla armor for a few cases of shredder rounds.
Alright sounds like a deal