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This is for bug reports. Not feedback or feature suggestions. ETAs on fixes or statuses on cards are not given out.
If you have something to share, please keep your post as detailed and coherent as possible, otherwise I may not be able to utilize the information you're trying to convey. Below are the cards that I am already aware of being broken.[b] I don't need to hear more about the cards listed under "known issues."
[u]Known Issues[/u] ヽ( ゜ヮ゜)ノ.・゜*。・+☆
-The [b]Chroma[/b] card does not unlock if you didn't get the free Sterling Treasure. This is being investigated.
-Kill ranks on class cards are not granting the proper points..
-Wins for special PvP events (Trials and Iron Banner) may not count towards their respective PvP gametype cards.
-The Doubles card isn't showing the ranked stats that people are seeing ingame.
-For[b] Doubles and Salvage[/b], as soon as you have an opportunity to play any of these playlists after the 2.0.0 patch, you should be able to earn the cards. The flags are not retroactively granted, but your stats from previous playtime in those playlists should still be there.
-Exotic weapon cards do not add points to your Grimoire score. This is on purpose.
-Siege Dancers seem to be tricky for people to get. This card unlocks at the end of the Dust Palace strike.
-Strike Introduction is not counting strikes entered from somewhere besides the planet map node.
-Raids Introduction are only counting VoG completions. [u]As of 1.1.1 the card will start counting Crota completions, but not retroactively.[/u] Completions after the 1.1.1 patch was applied will count.
-You can get a card from an exotic weapon without ever obtaining the weapon, such as through promotional cards.
Edited by Heady: 12/18/2015 6:28:45 PMDoes anyone know which mission I can unlock this Grimoire card in: Rise of Crota (Dark Below mission)
Still cant get siege dancers Did the strike in heroics yesterday. Let end of strike timer count down..... Nothing
So I was 49 of 50 before oryx challenge 47 of 50 before all challenges. I beat oryx challenge, grimoire popped but numbers didn't update in dreadnaught director still sitting at 49 of 50. Common issue? Thanks for help yo
Edited by AzogTheGamer: 12/17/2015 9:30:05 PMHi. Just did CM on my Titan to get the last calcified fragment. In the books of sorrow, All calcified fragment cards are unlockt. But in darkness, the card: calcified fragments- curiosity didn't unlock. Please heeeelp
The Zephyr picture reminded me. Merry Christmas!
I am not unlocking the grimoire cards for the fusion and incendiary grenades even though I have unlocked them for my Titan Sunbreaker subclass.
Hi Just curious if the doubles grimoire is staying. As in should i invest time into acquiring 100 wins when doubles comes back around?
Hey I had my quest for ToM that's got when I finished the normal raid, I took a hiatus from the game when I only had the first 44/45 fragments... Since I started playing again, I got the 45th fragment, but the quest for touch of malice is no longer in my quests, and Eris has nothing for me either
My "Leviathan" calcified fragment is not registering in my grimoire even though I've gotten it. And when I re-do the mission to access it again, it's not there anymore. Any thoughts?
Why don't I have Max grimoire???
Why is the fate of all fools card in the game if only one person has it?
What is the plan for the grimoire card: "The Fate of All Fools"? I understand that 1 person has it and it's fine with me that way but can we either have it unlocked or hidden for everyone else? Think of the promotional codes players used to get grimoire cards via Bungie.net code redemption.
When I start the game and am in orbit, it starts listing a bunch of grimoire cards that I have gotten a long time ago as if I had just acquired them. Is this normal?
What playlist can I find Timekeeper in, thanks in advance.
Ok this is somewhat of a grimoire issue. I would like to know how many dead ghost are in the game. I've seen players with 114 to 142 even! Is that a grimoire error or am I missing something. I was believed that there are around 104 ghosts total. Sorry to bug just a player trying to max out his grimoire.
Edited by ElmoExtreme: 12/11/2015 6:27:03 AMHelp thieves den and timekeeper grimoire not unlocking i played those maps several times and exotic weapons like tlaloc, ace of spades and Fabian strategy grimoire not adding up to my grimoire score and i been flawless on trails, the lighthouse grimoire is bugged too...
It would be great if you guys could have a progress bar for Doubles on the website/app now that it grants Grimoire for 25/50/100.
Edited by SafeCloud: 12/11/2015 2:24:35 PMCan you retroaward my lighthouse grimoire? The less I have to play trials the less annoyed I'd be. It's not my idea of fun.
I know it is listed that DLC 1 & 2 cards are glitched... specifically I can't unlock thieve's den pvp arena.
I've beaten the Undying Mind multiple times, is the card glitched on XB1? Also, is it still possible to obtain the "Ascendant Sword" card?
I havent seen anything relating to the cards themselves, but the Android app doesnt keep track of the gimoire properly. Any card that deals with acquiring points such as wins or enemy kills wont fill the bar.
I didn't get any of my cards to do with that weird xur urn quest in crota dlc. Like killing hand and eye of crota and related cards.... Kind of disappointing as it's a few grimoire as well as the only reason I did the urn quest and stuff was for it. Mainly because the gloves they gave were second grade at the time haha. A fix would be awesome!
Edited by LordReign9: 12/9/2015 3:12:12 PMGrimoire cards for oryx and stuff disappeared after patch please fix I love reading stuff and I worked hard to get all of them
Edited by FlandreScarlette: 12/9/2015 2:10:06 AMI have gone flawless in Trials of Osiris, gone to the Lighthouse, gotten the drops from the chest, and have not gotten the Grimoire titled "The Lighthouse", which I proceeded to do a search on. It does indeed "drop" from going flawless. I went flawless in Year Two only, this might be the issue. Edit: I'm reading about five posts down...I went flawless week one. I did it right when it was bugged, didn't I...
You sir are a -blam!-ing idiot for this post, you should wear a helmet