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[b]Rules:[/b] Offtopic or inflammatory posts will result in your ungraceful exit from this thread.
This is for bug reports. Not feedback or feature suggestions. ETAs on fixes or statuses on cards are not given out.
If you have something to share, please keep your post as detailed and coherent as possible, otherwise I may not be able to utilize the information you're trying to convey. Below are the cards that I am already aware of being broken.[b] I don't need to hear more about the cards listed under "known issues."
[u]Known Issues[/u] ヽ( ゜ヮ゜)ノ.・゜*。・+☆
-The [b]Chroma[/b] card does not unlock if you didn't get the free Sterling Treasure. This is being investigated.
-Kill ranks on class cards are not granting the proper points..
-Wins for special PvP events (Trials and Iron Banner) may not count towards their respective PvP gametype cards.
-The Doubles card isn't showing the ranked stats that people are seeing ingame.
-For[b] Doubles and Salvage[/b], as soon as you have an opportunity to play any of these playlists after the 2.0.0 patch, you should be able to earn the cards. The flags are not retroactively granted, but your stats from previous playtime in those playlists should still be there.
-Exotic weapon cards do not add points to your Grimoire score. This is on purpose.
-Siege Dancers seem to be tricky for people to get. This card unlocks at the end of the Dust Palace strike.
-Strike Introduction is not counting strikes entered from somewhere besides the planet map node.
-Raids Introduction are only counting VoG completions. [u]As of 1.1.1 the card will start counting Crota completions, but not retroactively.[/u] Completions after the 1.1.1 patch was applied will count.
-You can get a card from an exotic weapon without ever obtaining the weapon, such as through promotional cards.
I don't know if this counts as part of the known issue. But I have beaten Crota several times and the card just isn't unlocking at all. Also the Ascendant Sword grimoire card isn't unlocking even though I have picked it up and used it several times.
lol @ people wasting their time in this pointless thread. Bungie said they were "investigating" the Doubles Grimoire issue over 6 months ago. Still not fixed. Call me crazy but i think if they were gonna fix it, they would have done it in the update for the House of Wolves. So many foolish people on this forum.
My old Russia 2 card is locked even though I have all the ghost
Edited by Alaric MXXI: 8/15/2015 1:52:48 AMI have a few of mine that won't show progress. What do we do about this? Well they show 100% but won't give the score.
Hi I've completed the forsaken grimoire card but haven't got it. Is there problems with this card?
Edited by Lunke: 8/13/2015 6:37:43 AMBlack Shield not unlocking for me. Played it twice, won my last time on it yet don't have the Grimoire, definitely doesn't seem right..... Also, I played Iron Banner in the past but don't have that card either oddly enough. Thank you.
Is the Osiris card under allies bugged? I have played trials but it is hidden.
Also the First Light and Bastion Grimoire cards do not unlock when played, played through a few matches only to never get the card.
Salvage Grimoire card is not unlocking !!!!!!!! Are they going to fix it or not?
When will the doubles card be fixed? It's been so long, it should have been with today's hotfix........ What's taken for ever???????
Several of my friends have their salvage cards available to view, however mine remains hidden. Ive played at least 30 games of salvage and still not even showing I've experienced it.. whats the deal? How is something this simple taking so long to fix? It's actually pathetic; all I want is to see the progress I've made, and I know other's cards ARE working which is all the more frustrating
Hi sifow, I have troubles with bastion card, this is the second time that I play that map and still get the card. Besides doubles and salvage issue.
Plz lower wins needed for rumble grimoire or give top 3 players in each game grimoire count...
I have been grinding all week on salvage and it told me I have 100 wins. It gave me the 5 points too, my last known grimoire card is public events I currently need 70. If I get that I'm on 3660 5 short of max anyone help? When I check the app it tells me I haven't unlocked salvage yet I have 100 wins?
Edited by Polo147: 8/10/2015 8:41:07 PMThe vast majority of my grimoire has been added properly. However the other day I completed my "5000 crucible kills as a warlock" grimoire and the 5 points were never added to my score. I checked and did my math multiple times and I'm currently at 3555 grimoire and I'm only able to obtain 60 more points (Another user told me I was able to obtain an additional 10 more, not sure where that's shown either) when the max on Xbox is 3620. Please look into this and I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks Edit: I just noticed that the ghost fragment "Reef 3" is shown as not collected even though I collected it. Please check (if possible) which of these 2 are not being added into my grimoire score because either way I'm 5 short and I did not notice the crucible kills notification pop up upon completion.
Im missing the grimoire for making a exo and awoken guardian. I don't feel like restarting a character twice to do that. I wish I could just edit my guardian once each character.
My house of wolves card is not unlocked :-(
Edited by NYCityREP: 8/9/2015 2:50:20 PMSalvage Grimoire is not unlocking for me. I've won several games and still don't see anything for salvage in my grimoire section for my Xbox One account.
For whatever reason, my cards won't scroll. As in if I view a card and its story extends beyond that cards pentameters, the rest of the remaining story on the card is unviewable. Is this a wide spread issue or am I just dumb and don't know how to operate the cards features properly?
None ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Thanks for fixing hunter kills now ogre kills are bugged thanks
Edited by OrangeShadow_96: 8/9/2015 3:36:51 PMMy precision kills with sniper rifles in pvp are only counting as body shots in the sniper grimoire card. My precision kill ratio with sniper rifles was extremely low(24%), so I tested whether or not precision kills were even counting. This only seems bugged for pvp, as precision kills in PVE do count.
skyshock isn't reading as obtained for me. I have definitely played this map more than once.
Quick question; does the Doubles card have any points attached to it? I'm 20 points from max but can only account for 15 points.
The salvage grimoir card doesn't unlocked but I have received notification when playing that I made it to rank 1
My raid introduction card is bugged it says I should of completed 48 raids but the card says 28