And the results are in.
Now, time to go watch some porn with a tape measure. Although there are flaccid results too, but I'm not sure many people care about them. Unless they can be extrapolated. Numerically, not just physically.
Well, that was pleasantly surprising... Ladies... -blam!- it, everyone, an orderly if horny queue. I'm genuinely shocked. Wondering if I measured from the right place.
[quote]Wondering if I measured from the right place.[/quote] This is my theory on why on every internet thread you go to everyone claims to be 6 inches or bigger. It just depends where exactly you're measuring from. I can't speak for what other guys are like down there but, even though I'm not fat, I got a little skin I can press in for internet bragging rights. It's somewhat similar to how every internet thread you go to the average IQ is about 140. It's easy to lie to yourself about or be fooled by, just go take some dumb test on the internet. Then again this whole thing is partially me projecting my stringently honest standards onto the internet. A lot of guys just get a kick out of lying.