Is it just me or should burping into your microphone be met with anything other than pure disgust? Had a guy do it to me today in the Nightfall and even though I'm in Australia, it had the same impact and force as someone leaning in to whisper in your ear to tell a secret and letting out a ghastly concoction of stomach acid and last meal eaten.
Why is this ok to do this? It's incredibly rude and should be a bannible offence. Well, maybe thats too harsh. But what about you guys? Has this happened to you? Has anything worse than this happened?
*edit. I'm seeing a growing trend here. People are annoyed with people smoking billies and body noises. Honest opinion guys, would a "Rate you Teammates" option work? Obviously not in Crucible because it would be abused as hell, but what about in PVE? If someone is constantly rude or abusive they should get a lower rating than someone who isn't? Then you can have some idea of how someone is before you're forced to spent hours wiping on a Raid (example).
I heard a squeaker yelling at his mother..... every time I hear some little shit being that disrespectful to not only everyone else in the chat but to their mother also, I want to ring their tiny little neck. Disgusted AND enraged.
Mute Sneeze Unmute Mute Vape Unmute Its just common courtesy.
Dear White Trash, Please don't curse, hit, or/and yell at your 25 kids when you're playing Destiny with me or anyone else for that matter. Thank you! Sincerely, Destiny Forum Community
When people are close to swallowing their mic
"So if I'm in my house and 3 robbers break in, and I kill all of them in self defense, and one of them happens to be a woman, and I preform necrophilia on her, would I be charged with necrophilia even though I killed all of them in self defense." I was like.....uhmmmmm..
Burping is natural. Better than a fart.
- Loud Mexicans in the background - Heavy breathing
I smoke(ciggs), don't breathe heavily while doing it so mic doesn't pick it up. But if I was smoking a j, I sure as hell would mute my mic. I cough so bad as if I inhaled water when I smoke that lol. I will not eat while on mic either
My mic is muted unless im chatting but if I need to eat/drink etc ill mute it again. Tbf though im only ever in party chat and though non of my group care we all do it outta respect anyhow. It picks up all bloody sounds, incredibly sensitive to the point it can hear other people in my house rooms away.
I just hate people who have to talk about smoking. Like just smoke you don't have to bring it up all the time. I don't care what you do, keep it to yourself. " Ooh man I'm gonna be too high to raid in a minute." " Man in a couple drinks I'm gonna barely be able to play." Then put the controller down. If you can get wasted and play well and but be obnoxious then we don't have a problem.
When people chew like a mother-blam!-ing cow on the mic.
*smoking billies*. LMFAO LMFAO 420 GET REKT STRAYA -blam!-
My mic is so sensitive you can hear me fart. I try to mute it when I feel one coming, but sometimes I'm too busy getting shot
I hate this too. People who eat with their Mic on or breath directly into the Mic.
If you think burping is gross, never have a bro night out with the guys.
This one dude literally chomped away in the mic on some potato chips. Dude straight moaned with every bite. Wouldn't mute his mic. Left right after he refused to mute himself.
I don't mind smoking, and burping doesn't bother me if its not done the whole time. If you accidentally slip it's not a big deal
When people eat chips or drink anything I just hear them gulping and swallowing and chewing. My friend does this and I always yell at him to mute his mic and if he doesn't I kick him the party. He's starting to mute his mic now thankfully.
Heard someone drop their baby on its head. They yelled at the baby and continued to play the nightfall until we guilted him into checking his kid for brain damage.
Guys mom comes in, says what are you doing in here Jacking off? Guy doesn't reply. Everyone busts out laughing in fireteam and guy gets back on mic and asks if we heard that and says sorry.
Seeing a xb1 controller has mic mute button on it I press it whenever I'm not talking. So no issues from me while Mrs is sucking me off
This post is pretty stupid i get it that burping and other stuff is gross and all but adding a rating system really? People would abuse it too much u just dont think its a good idea thats just my opinion
Most disgusting thing I've ever heard "I don't have any heavy ammo"
Guy 1: "Oh hey, did I tell you guys my landlord smokes?" (I figured out he meant weed later on) Guy 2: "No, why? You thinking about getting at that?" Guy 1: "Yeah, I'm gonna put my peepee in her." These were men of at least 23 years of age.
Someone ate a bag of chips into their mic before. Not to mention I could hear them breathing heavily while eating.
One time, I joined a team for Crota's End, and one kid sounded like he was masturbating. He was like "Oh...Oh...Oh yeah...Oh yeah" I decided to leave