originally posted in:Seventh Conflux
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Post Title Image is a custom wallpaper by Ryolshido. [url=http://www.feednavigator.com/var/plain_site/storage/images/publications/food-beverage-nutrition/nutraingredients.com/industry/selenium-enriched-food-eu-health-approval-should-drive-consumer-knowledge-says-alltech/6858851-1-eng-GB/Selenium-enriched-food-EU-health-approval-should-drive-consumer-knowledge-says-Alltech.jpg]Hot diggity damn.[/url]
Welcome to the [b]Second Bungie Community Humpday Supdate![/b] I was asked by a few of my benefactors to improve my methods this week, [url=https://bountifullifellc.files.wordpress.com/2013/12/awesome2.jpg?w=300&h=218]so I guess that’ll have to happen.[/url] This week’s been a busy one, so [url=http://memecrunch.com/meme/V086/drop-your-cocks-and-grab-your-socks/image.png?w=500&c=1]get ready for some… stuff.[/url]
[b][u]Bungie’s Open House![/b][/u]
On February 27th, Bungie held a Developer Open House to answer some of your [url=http://i.stack.imgur.com/ihN3m.png]burning[/url] questions. Fortunately, our resident [url=http://funny-pics-fun.com/wp-content/uploads/Ninja-vs.-Samurai-22.jpg]Ninja[/url] Prometheus25 has compiled a list of the questions Bungie had the hardest time [url=http://i.imgur.com/4nvICeP.gif]dodging.[/url] Thankfully, they missed a few bullets, [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/105044907/0/0]so here are the results.[/url]
[u][b]Seventh Column Community Interview![/b][/u]
This week, in our inaugural [url=http://tiger.towson.edu/~sseele3/average-joes.png]Community Joe[/url] interview, OMARRCHR interviewed Bungie Mentor [i]Makeshyft[/i] to find out, well… [url=http://cdn.trendhunterstatic.com/phpthumbnails/23/23000/23000_1_800.jpeg]What exactly he is.[/url]
To read the full interview, [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/106564084/0/0]take the jump.[/url]
[u][b]7CX Caption Contest Results![/u][/b]
Firstly, thank you to everyone who participated in the first community caption contest in [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/104722527/0/0]quite a while.[/url] The winners were:
[b]1st Place:[/b] [url=http://imgur.com/avNHsxY]Unanimate Objec[/url]
[b]2nd Place:[/b] [url=http://i.imgur.com/JZlis0C.jpg]Welderman [/url]
[b]3rd Place:[/b] [url=http://i.imgur.com/OYRQPfI.jpg]Tuckers baby[/url]
To all of the [url=http://cf.chucklesnetwork.com/items/1/2/1/8/8/9/original/if-you-know-what-i-mean.jpg]non-winners[/url], don’t quit. We’re going to continually have contests into the future.
[b][u]Game Night![/u][/b]
We had a Community Game Night last Saturday, February 28th, on Destiny. Needless to say, it was fairly successful. Here’s a list of the people you should be painfully jealous of for getting to participate:
[i]Xbox One[/i]
Host: CamCamm
-Sapid Statefarm
-Mr Mulberry11
[i]Playstation 4[/i]
Host: chubbz
-El Burninator (That’s me!)
Now, if you want to participate in a game night this weekend, Makeshyft is recruiting for one being held this Saturday, on March 7th. [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Post/15287/105640733/0/0]You better sign up.[/url]
[u][b]Group Spotlight![/u][/b]
This week, we’re shouting out to [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Forum/15287]The Community Carnage[/url] for holding all of our public Community Game Nights! And since Stosh is the founder, you can continue to [url=http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110206055843/halo/images/a/af/Blame_Stosh.gif]blame him.[/url]
If you haven’t joined CC yet, then get on it and join in on the fun!
[b][u]What’s Going On?[/u][/b]
The community’s busy, as usual. Here’s a snapshot into our daily [url=http://www.worldofstock.com/slides/TAC1836.jpg]hustle and bustle.[/url]
-Prometheus25 turned [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/105208845/0/0]10![/url] In honor of his birthday, and subsequent impending doom, here’s a picture of [url=http://looklex.com/e.o/slides/saddam_hussein01.jpg]someone that was still alive[/url] when he joined the website.
-I pity the fool! [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/106127995/0/0]If Mr. T was hired as Ghost’s voice actor,[/url] life would be so much better.
-[url=http://sd.keepcalm-o-matic.co.uk/i/keep-calm-and-mazel-tov-3.png]Mazel Tov![/url] [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/106276701/0/0]Gilgamesh made another human being.[/url] That’s [i]nuts![/i] (Get it?) ;)
-Sparrowhorn, the [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/106321035/0/0]Exotic Sparrow[/url], needs to be a thing. Take notes, Bungie. This guy has his priorities straight.
-[url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/106112251/0/0]This guy needs some help.[/url]
-I may be an enormous fan of groups, but I still [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/98029233/0/0]love this idea.[/url]
If you want your group spotlighted, or have an interesting idea come up throughout the week, let me know in this thread, and you might find your way into next week's [i]Supdate[/i]!
[url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QRJ38y4Jn6k]That’s it. It’s over. Go home.[/url]
Sup? Ha! Get it!? Like [i]Sup[/i]-date? No? Fine. [spoiler]I'll just go eat my supper now.[/spoiler]