Most know about the bridge cheese in Crota's End where everyone wipes to despawn the enemies. On hard with the lack of revives non-warlocks have to climbs the towers to trick the game into ignoring them.
It occurred to me last week, is this even really necessary? The point of despawning the enemies on the near side is so they don't heckle you while you attack the enemies on the far side. The thing is once you climb the towers nothing on the near side has a line of sight anymore, and the Thrall certainly can't reach you, so you're already completely safe. From this position you also have great coverage over the far side. So does this make trying to despawn the enemies an extra unnecessary step, or is it somehow required to get the ogres to appear?
Ogres don't spawn unless 1 condition is met. All LIVING members make it across bridge. This means all across, or as little as 1 across with the rest dead. Can also trick the game into thinking you're dead by going off the map (I.E. Top of the tower) The enemies on the near side despawning isn't the reason people wipe/Rez, it's a byproduct that happens when you initiate part 2 of the encounter: Wizards n' Ogres. If those near-side enemies haven't disappeared, Ogres aren't coming.