Title says it all.
Mine is whenever I see heavy ammo bricks laying around and my heavy ammo is full I fire a rocket or shoot a few bullets from my Machine Gun just so I can pick the heavy ammo up. I hate seeing spare bricks lying around and wasting them. This obviously doesn't apply when facing Crota lol
So what are yours?
[b]Edit:[/b] We're trending guys, thanks for proving I'm not the only one who has crazy habits! I'll reply to as many posts as I can
[b]Edit 2:[/b] Changed title as to not be offensive to anyone, thank you Tomsk (:
Usually right before I sign on i have to go out an kill a human. Nothing gives you more thrill than killing a man, am I right? Anyone else with me??
Sliding into every vendor lol
Maxing out everything i own so it has a golden trim around it, hate unmaxed stuff.
Jumping up or down stairs Jumping over fellow guardians
Every time the archon priest starts to come out of his cage, I send a wave his way.
Reloading after each kill
My vault has to look perfect and have one stack of everything. - 200 relic iron - 200 spinmetal - 200 helium filaments - 200 spirit bloom - strange coins - motes of light - re supply codes - black was idols - blue polyphage - ether seeds - ascendant shards - ascendant energy - radiant shards - radiant energy - crucible commendations - vanguard commendations - 20 heavy synth - 20 special synth - 20 primary synth - exotic shards Etc etc etc... And my weapons are the same, no duplicates. 1 extra of all my weapons(if I have more than 3) Basically I have what I need on my characters and can't have anything else.
I always jump before summoning my sparrow
I press delay count down alot
I reload after nearly every kill in pve.
Jumping over every enemy with a shotgun to their skull
If i have to get from one place to another, without a sparrow i am always jumpin.raids,strikes,patrols dont matter
Killing those hobgoblins outside the nexus strike.
Roll me a doobie before playing
I can't turn left.
Edited by bohwen318: 3/5/2015 8:57:24 PMWhen logging off for the day, I cannot have any weapons on me that I use, I must replace them with greens or blues or whatever. Also, I have to dismantle any extra blues or greens or whatever before I log off. And finally, I cannot have any green exclamation points in the tower, I must go to all of them and get whatever that NPC is trying to give me. Then, I double check everything and log out lol...it's a painstaking process that I hate but cannot stop. Edit: I also have this very shitty OCD thing on destiny, if I have weapons that I need upgraded, I am forced to use them, not weapons that I want to use lol. I can't wait to have them all fully upgraded so I can use the load out I want
Sliding as I approach vendors and engaging them before I stop. If I'm not doing that, I refuse to run and hop every where in the tower.
If I get a cosmetic from a raid, I have to use it, ship, shader, sparrow, class item, evening I have one I like better, I still use the raid one
Always having a full mag. Always reloading.
Edited by jacob905905: 3/6/2015 5:24:38 PMUsing Timebreaker or Graverobber while holding the thrust, then using the temporary boost from the left bumper any time there is a hill. I just love watching my sparrow flip through the air with no control.
I have 4 consumable slots open at all times in order to be able to pick up netowork keys, beads, codexs, and house banners incase I can get all of them at once.. I doubt this has once been an issue, but I do it anyway.
Using a super to finish boss. I just have to.
I have just spent 2hrs reading the comments and have concluded we need help... Mine are. Obsessive reload (ice breaker nd bad juju are problamatic) Jumping up and down stairs (idk y) Dealing with that dam green icon. Getting every engram (trying to break that after 1 chased 1 off a cliff on the nexus) Getring rid of the shine. I need to give a shout out to the ppl that have to have maxed weapons and own a black hammer i feel bad for you
Bam! Reload. Bam bam! Reload. Yeah I reload a lot. Just can't help it.
Raid and nightfall three times a week.
I don't really think I have one But something related to the topic: I -blam!-ing despise playing with people who feel the need to go back to the Tower every 1-3 bounties. CALM YOUR NUTSACK. THEY'RE NOT GOING ANYWHERE. JUST WAIT UNTIL WE FINISH THE -blam!-ING REST OF THEM.