Title says it all.
Mine is whenever I see heavy ammo bricks laying around and my heavy ammo is full I fire a rocket or shoot a few bullets from my Machine Gun just so I can pick the heavy ammo up. I hate seeing spare bricks lying around and wasting them. This obviously doesn't apply when facing Crota lol
So what are yours?
[b]Edit:[/b] We're trending guys, thanks for proving I'm not the only one who has crazy habits! I'll reply to as many posts as I can
[b]Edit 2:[/b] Changed title as to not be offensive to anyone, thank you Tomsk (:
Edited by Reclaimer: 3/6/2015 6:47:46 AM-Giving my characters all similar loadouts -Reloading after each exchange/break in an exchange -(on my Hunter) setting up a trip mine as a backup plan when I get rushed -Not wearing Raid Gear unless it's absolutely necessary -Always having the right gear for the right weapons -Having each weapon slot hold a maximum of 7 weapons at a time -Making sure my gear matches decently well with my weapons -Making sure I pick the right shader for the right class (Example: The Nowhere just looks like Chatterwhite on my Titan and Hunter, but my Warlock pulls in all sorts of bitches with it) Tons of things.
I must have those green engrams. I risk life and limb when i see one!
Picking up every engram Double teabag then dance before opening a legendary/exotic engram or opening the exotic chest on vog Jumping on top of the Devil Walker in the Devils Layer and the tank in that one Mars strike and dancing on them till they die Dismantling a useless legendary in vog to make noobs think there's a secret chest Most obsessive: Pausing the game after completing the nightfall so I don't see the drops in the bottom left. I love the suspense
I always have to pick up every green engram lying around, cannot leave any behind. It's annoying as.
ALWAYS looking at upgrades for my guns. Idk why but I do it constantly like it's going to change or something
Checking all the chest spawn locations when i go to venus......even if i dont need spirit bloom.
Missing ammo in clip, must reload.
Edited by The wretch313: 3/6/2015 5:24:19 AMMatching armor, mark/hood/bond & shaders so they look good together. And pretty much searching the whole moon for cave, chests and blade of crota spawn locations along with living on the moon when solo playing
Playing Soccer
I already commented but want to say this is a great post. Zero negativity so far. I mentioned my OCD habits in this game on other threads, only to run into condescending asshats.
I hit X to reload then Y Y. Trickshot habit.
I must have 6 weapons in each slot at all times. 6 primary 6 special 6 heavy. It's to make sure I didn't dismantle something on accident while clearing out blues and greens lol As Long as there is 6 I can move on.
I put all my CE Hard Weapons and my Best Exotics back in the vault at the end of my play session. I have a paranoia that something may happen to a character and I would lose a lot.
Nothing, I can think of nothing. I don't mind leaving my magazine partially filled when switching weapons. I don't mind when my inventory looks like a collage. I may or may not kill every enemy I see. I don't care... I'm boring.
I keep all of the first armor and weapons in my vault for whatever reason and it takes up so much space
I wanna know the original title so bad
Killing things
And getting pissed at xur
I [i][b]MUST[/b][/i] grab any green engrams I see!!!!!!
My habit is reloading after every single kill. I just hate seeing the amount of ammo not being full in my gun and just get the urge to reload.
I will not look at my ship flying I will constantly do things or something like that just so I can be doing something semi productive
On the nexus strike I always avoid the water in the flooded rooms like its lava.
Grabbing greens even if they are out of the way. Worthless, but cant help myself.
Organizing my inventory so all weapons are by other weapons of the same type, only to mess it up a few seconds later. [spoiler]And then reorganize it again. [b]HELP ME [/b] [/spoiler]