People who aren't satisfied with their gender need LOTS of help. If people would stop trying to defend the mentally disadvantaged maybe we could actually help them.
You going to try to "cure" gay people too?
You can't cure choice.
Can't cure stupidity either unfortunately.
Edited by SHIEK X 13: 8/14/2015 7:14:41 AMNo but we can discourage it by ceasing to tell people who need help that they are 100% ok. And discouraging their advocates by showing that these people are better off with help.
Yes they deserve a cure for their disease
Can't tell if bait or idiot.
Chill with the edge, boyo
I wasn't aware that expression confusion could be edgy.
I think they deserve a cure for their horrible disease. I am disgusted that you don't think they deserve it
If only they had a disease...
They do It's called being gay
Which is not a disease
A brain disease, yes
You might have one.
Why are you insulting me all of a sudden?
Oh it's such a mystery ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Well at least we can agree that the gays that can't be cur3d should be put down
That amount of bait is too damn high.
They say gây people have something different in the brain then str8 people. What do they call that again? A disease, so yes, they should try to fix that also.
You're -blam!-ing ridiculous.
[spoiler]good luck in life[/spoiler]
How? By not tolerating the dum shit people come up with. I wonder if in a couple of years maybe 10, 15, or 20 years. When these Dam pedos start saying the same shit gays say love has no age, no number, and no limits. What then? Do you really want a 30 year -blam!-ing man picking up your daughter who is 8? Or let's say underage. I didn't think so
No because being gay is a natural occurrence, it happens with most animals however we don't see animals performing sex changes
No because being gay is a natural occurrence, it happens with most animals however we don't see animals performing sex changes