[b]The relevance just isn't there.[/b]
If the updates are going to continue to be this awful, I propose a bi-weekly update with [i]less fluff[/i].
The community here is very vocal & we are actively telling you what we want to know.
-[u]Why not show that you're listening?[/u]
Frankie had great updates.
Urk had great updates.
I [b]want[/b] DeeJ to have great updates, too.
Do better. :/
*edit 1: for comparison, I'm linking recent posts made by old Bungie CMs.
Frankie: [url=http://teambeyond.net/forum/topic/5443-halo-5-guardians-discussion/?p=420336]here[/url]. He trolls the trolls.
Urk: [url=http://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/2rsxp9/bungie_weekly_update_01082015/]here[/url]. His sarcasm is unique.
*edit 2: a week has come and gone, and a new update is upon us.
It's actually a VERY straight-forward update, letting us know what priority changes are in the works.
DeeJ did a great job this week!
Community concerns were addressed, and that makes me beyond happy!
[b]Thank you for listening, Bungie![/b]
The weekly updates are worthless. They provide no real info just a bunch of snarky and vague remarks. I'd rather them go back to being silent.
Im more surprised when there is actual information in these updates
They could at least let us know things like "Hey yall realize 13 shaders 10 emblems and" yadda yadda are still in rotation you guys haven't seen? In there but rare! Something that informs us but not fluff us. I'm still curious as to how many items are Supposed to drop but haven't been seen much.
[i][b]FIGHT BACK[/b][/i] [i][b]CONTROL THE UPDATE!!![/b][/i]
heh.. atleast i'm not the only one who thought the latest update was just a waste of freaking time and text.
Updates?! Oh you mean that thing where they hold your hand while they ram you from behind? That update?
But what about the movie of the week? And the promise of future promises?? We need weeklies.
Blame Stosh.
Agreed we need less fluff
You've been here for a long time, you remember the only time they went dark was during the awkward moment between Halo: Reach's transition to Microsoft and the announcement of Destiny. They had these same kind of Weekly What'supdates for Reach, ODST, and Halo 3. It's just here to let us, the community, know they're still doing stuff. It's an UPDATE after all, not a weekly E3 announcement.
I believe he can be coded to what ever bungie desire. But I believe they code him to generate random items per week ( and coded to always carry a exotic engrams besides weapons )
Totally agree with you.
It's the problem with weekly updates (and this is not just unique to Bungie, but to all walks of life). They're very valuable when there is something to communicate - but they're a waste of time when they're not. So, the question becomes is it worthwhile to continue with a weekly update when there is nothing to say even though it's pointless? or stay silent and possibly have people annoyed for the lack of communication? I'm not sure that there is a good answer.
I've supported DeeJ in the past in regards to the weekly update, however today had to be the all-time low point for the update. Honestly DeeJ, if you don't have anything factual for us, just don't bother posting.
If it wasn't for the weekly update, the spotlights, and other wise useless "news" posts we would have zero proof Deej is even doing anything to Xurn his paycheck. Feedback clearly isn't making it through since the only updates they've been doing are beta complaints and PvP complaints.
I agree. Less time he spends on making an "update," the more time he can peruse and respond to feedback
They are always done in such a pandering, condescending and dishonest tone that I don't even look at them anymore. It's honestly like listening to a politician's campaign speech - you kind of like what they're saying because of how they phrase it, but you also know it's just a load of BS and know whatever they are talking about will probably just end up screwing you in the end.
The updates have gone beyond insulting. It's as if Deej is writing in riddles to buy more time for this crappy game. It's as if he knows what the community needs to hear but chooses to sound like an idiot instead. I have never seen a more horrible cm.
They were updates??
They were updates??
I like that they say something each week. Sure, they can't all be filled with something new each week. I'd prefer they test everything thoroughly, imagine if they rushed moving our gear around with the app! But they shouldn't only say hey guys awesome stuff is right around the corner. But I'm not telling you. It should just be some form of community involvement every week. Just so we know they are still active and to stay relevant.
The last update is an update on a future update. [sad]
As someone who is usually extremely critical of the weekly updates and the info (or lack thereof) that they contain.... I gotta say, let's cut Deej some slack this week. The update just launched, it was fantastic. Bungie is doing good things. The fact he let us know more is in the pipe before HOW is enough for now. Let's all just chill homies!
What are you taking about? Bungie doesn't do updates! Only fluffdates