[b]The relevance just isn't there.[/b]
If the updates are going to continue to be this awful, I propose a bi-weekly update with [i]less fluff[/i].
The community here is very vocal & we are actively telling you what we want to know.
-[u]Why not show that you're listening?[/u]
Frankie had great updates.
Urk had great updates.
I [b]want[/b] DeeJ to have great updates, too.
Do better. :/
*edit 1: for comparison, I'm linking recent posts made by old Bungie CMs.
Frankie: [url=http://teambeyond.net/forum/topic/5443-halo-5-guardians-discussion/?p=420336]here[/url]. He trolls the trolls.
Urk: [url=http://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/2rsxp9/bungie_weekly_update_01082015/]here[/url]. His sarcasm is unique.
*edit 2: a week has come and gone, and a new update is upon us.
It's actually a VERY straight-forward update, letting us know what priority changes are in the works.
DeeJ did a great job this week!
Community concerns were addressed, and that makes me beyond happy!
[b]Thank you for listening, Bungie![/b]
You've been here for a long time, you remember the only time they went dark was during the awkward moment between Halo: Reach's transition to Microsoft and the announcement of Destiny. They had these same kind of Weekly What'supdates for Reach, ODST, and Halo 3. It's just here to let us, the community, know they're still doing stuff. It's an UPDATE after all, not a weekly E3 announcement.