.....supported by 100 spider tanks. I figured since you guys liked the space version of this post I'd make a ground version!
This isn't 1 enemy squad at a time like in the game, this is OPEN FIELD COMBAT. All these bastards are coming at you at the same time.
You get 1 [b][i][u]GROUND[/u][/i][/b] vehicle and 1 military unit as backup.
You are driving the vehicle and the military unit is limited to 100 of its best soldiers and they get NO VEHICLES so make them good!
They can be from any movie, game, book, show, or even real life!
[spoiler]my vehicle would be the monkeylord Spiderbot from supreme commander and my backup would be the Anubis Drones from Stargate SG1 [/spoiler]
Edit: I didn't think I would have to ban the Death Star for this one but I am. Bunch of chuckleheads.
Edited by Vyse: 3/6/2015 6:35:43 PMAc130*sees ground vehicle in post*<_< Scarab from halo I guess 100 BoS Paladins I win.
i need Son Goku and Superman. that's all.
100 Unsullied warriors. Nuff said.
An at-at from Star Wars with 100 ewaks controlling it
Six Guardians with six Ballerhorns. Thats enough.
Goku + spirit bomb = OP
All it takes is 1 goku. Job done.
Don't need anything to help me, obsidian mind and Voidwalker ftw!
Scarab hijacked by the original 70 or so Spartan 2's wielding Battle Rifles.
Death star. We can sit here all day arguing if it's a planet or vehicle, it can by moved by the empire, ergo it's a flying round car. 100 batallion of elves with bow leaded by legolas greenleaf =D Ggwp fallen
i will take a gangstasized H3 hummer and one hundred of the loudest mouthed obama babies. now that is what i call the end of time.
My self of course. (Mass effect). I am the most powerful being in the universe. Apart from when stupid Shepard builds the crucible and kills me! >:(
My vehicle: scorpion tank My army: either Xenomorphs from dead space, or flood from.. Well you know where.
My little tike tricycle and an army of people. I would kill the people until I receive my earned Gjallarhorn and destroy the entire army in one blast. Then I would have a nice sip of my Arnold Palmer and stick my head in walrus dung.
Bring one Jigglypuff. Bring a pickup truck that's holding a pair of headphones. And in the bed there is 10000 master balls. Now I own a company of Fallen Captains
Edited by PK FIRED: 3/6/2015 6:21:28 PMSquads of odst doing there drop from space prior from the pillar of autumn suicide dive to the fallen forces. While Sierra 117 dropping with the odst Edit Fine no pillar of autumn Scarab dropping from orbit with brutes using brute shot and grav hammer
Master chief
Unpatched bf4 attack jet And a picnic table
for a vehicle I would use a reaver from gears of war, the badass one that general raam has in the gears of war three dlc. As for an army I would have legions of necromorphs with me
Sun Crusher. An obscure star wars ship that could blow up suns with its missiles. Case fking closed
100 Protoss Zealots Gauss hog [spoiler]my life for aiur![/spoiler]
Chuck norris and a balloon with a giant middelfinger
Cold warriors? Do you mean the Kull? The black armoured Goa'uld guys created by Anubis? Because yeah. I'd [i]totally[/i] pick them too.
*Parks vehicle* *Turns to the 100 guys behind him* "Guys, I got this one"
Dov a kin dragon born. FUs Ro Dah there ass's
What ratio of the captains are using melees as opposed to shrapnel launchers?