Thank god that's over. *closes up shop* I think i'll just... *passes out from exhaustion*
Hey man... I know it's late... And we're all tired from slaughtering Lennies... But I just came to ask... Will... Will you... *hold out rose made of blue fire* Will you go to the tournament with me as my partner?
still more romantic than my wedding proposal. *a frying pan flyes and hti me*
*wakes up* sure. I would love to be *goes back to sleep*
<3 *puts blanket over* Night my man... You'll need it.
*drags you to your quarters* don't want you to get hurt or what not. Two .308s to the knees was bad enough for one day
*murmurs in sleep* thanks... man... *rolls back over*
*places incense beside bed* That'll help you overnight mate...