Shoots fireball
Pulls out hardlight shield
Lightning bolt drains shield
Switches battle rifle to full auto w/ lead bullets
Hey rookie you might like thsi. (throws modified SAW wiht a frontal shield and DMR rounds) just to level the playfield
Sounds over powered, but i like it!
I gave you multiple chances to kill me also I've been here for a while amd gathered gear
And no death is permitted because, you dont deserve it!
You think I'm op you haven't fought ninja robber or Salazar
I never said you were i said my saw was
trust me youll need it
Just used it
Activates thorns and amulet all the damage you just tried to do to me is reflected at you
Activates mantrix of leadership and fires a beam of ligjt, unblockable
Edited by the last mage: 3/6/2015 4:45:01 AMUses hyper sense to dodge summons daedric minions who pin you down my sword at your throat you're dead [spoiler]non lethal btw[/spoiler]
Fires modified SAW that was recently given
Alt. OK rookie youve proven yourslef worhty. not many pople fight the way you do. COme with me lets have you properly equiped
*shows heavily modifeid UNSC equipment* i think you will like thsis tuff wha tyou want?
Hot sweet lord! Its all mine!
all from my time as a Spartan mk1 *starts showing weapons* Ths is my modfied AR. with modifed drum clip for 68 rounds. This is my favorite primary. a heavily mdoifed BR.it uses a mix between carbine rounds and stndar UNSC rounds. modifed with an ammo generating system that removes the need of a mgazine jsu tigve it a 1.54 secodns to recreate them. this is one of my favorite heavy weapons. THis is my own creation i call it hte the Panzergaust. It uses the system of a railgun scattershoot ammunition. and some other stuff. resulting in a blast of 18 rail propeled pellets to be fired in a Y pattern. and my secondary. A .57mm revovler. it can kill a hunter wiht one round.
Am I recruited
Dosent look like it
why? yo didnt sing for the tournament or something?