Uses hyper sense to dodge summons daedric minions who pin you down my sword at your throat you're dead
[spoiler]non lethal btw[/spoiler]
Fires modified SAW that was recently given
Alt. OK rookie youve proven yourslef worhty. not many pople fight the way you do. COme with me lets have you properly equiped
*shows heavily modifeid UNSC equipment* i think you will like thsis tuff wha tyou want?
Hot sweet lord! Its all mine!
all from my time as a Spartan mk1 *starts showing weapons* Ths is my modfied AR. with modifed drum clip for 68 rounds. This is my favorite primary. a heavily mdoifed uses a mix between carbine rounds and stndar UNSC rounds. modifed with an ammo generating system that removes the need of a mgazine jsu tigve it a 1.54 secodns to recreate them. this is one of my favorite heavy weapons. THis is my own creation i call it hte the Panzergaust. It uses the system of a railgun scattershoot ammunition. and some other stuff. resulting in a blast of 18 rail propeled pellets to be fired in a Y pattern. and my secondary. A .57mm revovler. it can kill a hunter wiht one round.
Am I recruited
Dosent look like it
why? yo didnt sing for the tournament or something?
I wasnt added to ze list broskie
ask ninja
I did