-blam!- i knew i shouldnt have told anyone besides sal
Well have fun trying to beat us anyway i was just trying to make the battles go faster
You'll regret this....
Or will i? Hehehhehe Their is one thing that i didnt tell your partner though Heheehhe Have fun in the tournament ;3
you say i was gonna be kind and not use my New technique but ill make an xeption for you all
Sorry robber :(
Sorry? SORRY? You will regret telling him i sabotaged him * pushes into room and locks door holding a knife to your neck * you dont know how far i will go to make sure you cant even lift a sword * slices a thin cut on your left arm revealing the outside of a vein * Hmm i wonder what would happen if i simply cut that vein eh?
GET AWAY FROM HIM*Goes into anti-form* throws you back* take this healing herb and get out of here* teleports you away*
You know that the door was locked and it was my forge so the door is locked with wraith magic
*i teleported in, besides, you no killing unless stated in the rules by the challenger, and last time I checked, he didn't start a challenge*
I didnt say i was going to kill him did i? And i had teleport proofed my forge beforehand im not an idiot
*your harming my partner, that's not allowed* * also I'm a fugging time god, I reversed time around your forge so that it's no longer teleport protected*
My forge was always protected You never said you were a time god before you cant just randomly pull that out And it doesnt say anything in the rules about not being allowed to harm them
Did you not see that I had time powers in the attack yesterday? Gotta read them posts
*turns hand on fire and smacks you in the face really hard*
* doesnt flinch * * cuts vein causing extreme pain for you * DO YOU THINK YOU CAN JUST SLAP A GOD AND GET AWAY WITH IT * kicks in balls and walks away *
* comes back in and throws outside * * locks door of forge *
*gets up* eh that was fun *flies away on Smaug*
*appears on a combat jet* SMAUG YOU OWN ME MUNNIES!!!!!!!!!!
Ah shiz. Smaug what did you do? *flies down,up,left,down,right,down,up,right,right,down,up,left*
*jet passes smaug and turns into a Comabt chopper and fires taxes*
No to many taxes! *flies behind you and jumps on the chopper* So how does Smaug owe you money?
DO you really think he took out all those dwarf hell no i and my fireworks did all his dirty job he told me he would give me a third of the dwarfs riches then he thhrews me into a bottomless pit. i climbe for 2 years
This is a different Smaug. My dragon was just named after him. I still have to wait 1 more day until he can breath fire and everything else. He can fly but I have to make him. I have 8 more days until that ends
oh........ sorry for the misunderstood flies back to base
Wait! Do you wanna go kill the actual Smaug?