Title says it all.
Mine is whenever I see heavy ammo bricks laying around and my heavy ammo is full I fire a rocket or shoot a few bullets from my Machine Gun just so I can pick the heavy ammo up. I hate seeing spare bricks lying around and wasting them. This obviously doesn't apply when facing Crota lol
So what are yours?
[b]Edit:[/b] We're trending guys, thanks for proving I'm not the only one who has crazy habits! I'll reply to as many posts as I can
[b]Edit 2:[/b] Changed title as to not be offensive to anyone, thank you Tomsk (:
Edited by Reclaimer: 3/6/2015 6:47:46 AM-Giving my characters all similar loadouts -Reloading after each exchange/break in an exchange -(on my Hunter) setting up a trip mine as a backup plan when I get rushed -Not wearing Raid Gear unless it's absolutely necessary -Always having the right gear for the right weapons -Having each weapon slot hold a maximum of 7 weapons at a time -Making sure my gear matches decently well with my weapons -Making sure I pick the right shader for the right class (Example: The Nowhere just looks like Chatterwhite on my Titan and Hunter, but my Warlock pulls in all sorts of bitches with it) Tons of things.