For me just opinions
Under 2300 grimoire
Hezens vengance users
Fusion rifles
My team in crucible because they always get only 1000 points in a match
Blue guns
People without atleast 10 exotics
Havent done hard crota
Cant run sword
Cant run relic
Suck it noobs
Git gud scrub
3 of same class
Grab heavy ammo without waiting in pvp
In my opinion under 2400 is noob
Call me a Day 1 noob then. Don't grind as much as the rest of players for grimoire score.
"How do you know someones a noob - noob" Some of your post actually made some sense (comical and factual) but unfortunately you went retard.... not full retard... only about 30% Theres hope for you yet! [spoiler]"How do you know someones a noob - christmas noob" lol i can still hear the rustle of the wrapping paper 😉[/spoiler]
Best way to tell a noob is they don't use vog weapons in vog.
Noobs will be noobs
[quote]For me just opinions Under 2000 grimoire Hezens vengance users Fusion rifles My team in crucible because they always get only 1000 points in a match Noobs Christmas noobs Blue guns People without atleast 10 exotice Havent done hard crota Cant run sword Cant run relic Suck it noobs Git gud scrub[/quote] and u need 1 of each characters
[quote]For me just opinions Under 2000 grimoire Hezens vengance users Fusion rifles My team in crucible because they always get only 1000 points in a match Noobs Christmas noobs Blue guns People without atleast 10 exotice Havent done hard crota Cant run sword Cant run relic Suck it noobs Git gud scrub[/quote] ur a noob u have like a level 6 Hunter
Hezon Vengence is a good launcher.
Exotice? What a nooby grammatical error!
Makes a thread like this.
So since I got this game in January I'm a noob? Even though my grim score is higher than yours? I'm a noob because once I get a chest piece for my Titan all my characters will be maxed? And I only need two more exotics. But I've only been playing for three months so I must be a noob. Get over yourself.
1) Understandable, means (like me, day 1 but only 100 hours played :/) that they haven't spent enough time to find ghosts and grind. 2)Its a gun. They can use whatever they want. I can understand not wanting it in HM Crota, but they had to do HM VoG to get it. 3)You're stupid. FRs take more skill to use right than you would think , especially after the insane nerf they just got. 4)Every random is worse than you at PvP, no exceptions. (unless you're like me and suck really hard at crucible) 5)What? 6)When they got the game doesn't really translate to noob level, 'specially sense Christmas noobs could get to max level real easy with DLC. 7) try using some blue guns in crucible and then tell they aren't good 8) RNG dislikes me and me being by myself in this game I don't have a ton of strange coins, I'm sure there are people in the same boat 9) I don't want to raid, the raid gear is ugly looking. 10) Never raided but if they refuse to learn it that makes them bad, but if they're open to learning they aren't nooby 11) Same thing
When they claim any tracking rocket launcher is as good as Gjallarhorn, wolf pack? cluster bombs? No difference!
So I'm a noob because I haven't done hard crota because people are choosy af and want ghorn and level 32.
I find your complete lack of punctuation distrurbing.
full retard...
When I read your post!
Edited by TechRonin: 4/9/2015 1:26:48 PMPeople that viewed this post to see if he was talking about them. Yes I understand the irony of my comment.
Should probably put "#satire" or "#joke" in the tags because you've clearly made an idiot of yourself and people seem to believe you are.
Why Fusion rifles?
Shut up about Christmas noobs I'm a Christmas noobs and can run relic run sword own you in crucible and have 3 32's. It's been 4 months get over it
Hezens vengeance user? That gun is freakin good i use it over the hunger of crota and gjallarhorn in crucible
They start threads titled, How you know when someones a noob.
They can spell (there/their/they're etc.) and have hair on their balls?..... They work for a living and don't have endless time for neither destiny nor masturbation? If you ask them they will tell you? No? Oh I'm stumped then ...... Ah I see! They are the ones that have a different play style to you! All seeing, all knowing, pre pubic you! Grow up bellend
I LOVE fusion rifles and I'd say I'm pretty skilled