For me just opinions
Under 2300 grimoire
Hezens vengance users
Fusion rifles
My team in crucible because they always get only 1000 points in a match
Blue guns
People without atleast 10 exotics
Havent done hard crota
Cant run sword
Cant run relic
Suck it noobs
Git gud scrub
3 of same class
Grab heavy ammo without waiting in pvp
im a noob
Use nothing but shotguns in pvp, get rekt by TLW and then come here complaining about how OP hand cannons are.
-I haven't tested it out much myself, but a great PVP player a mutual friend knows says Hezen's Vengeance can be pretty great in PVP. -There are better Legendary Fusion rifles now, but I did my 1st Thorn bounty with a blue Fusion. And maybe some of the peeps that whine about shottys in PVP aren't hypocrites and use Fusions in their place?
Even though that this is satire I must point out that half of these are false.
Low Grimoire +300 strength
Those claiming using the relic requires skill, or that crotas raid requires u to be a great player lolol 1st time i picked up the relic, i was a bit nervous. But dayum, its much easier than any raider claimed on here; not hard at all
When they are a sunsinger and have self rez but it wont let them use it when dead <_<
You know someone is a noob when they make post to try and put others down
Haven't tried to run sword cause everyone always wants to do it. Also haven't done hard yet cause I've been looking for a fire team to accept my lv33 Titan with no ghorn. Does this make me a n00b?
Shit, I'm doing the fusion rifle bounty. I'm a noob now, yay!!
Yeah but using fusion rifles doesn't mean ur a noob. I like fusion rifles. One of my fav weapons in game. Someone make a post below me n said thorn I can deff agree w that
Edited by RoyC_3: 6/22/2015 2:37:48 AMUse thorn in PVE
3 of the same class is the biggest give away that your a scrub. As far as being a noob? Gonna play with them to figure that one out.
They still have hope that this game will get better.
low grimoire
If they use thorn
You know if someone is a noob wanting xur to sell gjallahorn, then again, rng might be cruel to them. However, the iphone transfer is just lying
People who have Murmur as their secondary.
Under 3600 = noob
What if your just bad at pvp? Low points doesnt always meam your a noob at the game.
lvl 2 with a 100 grimoire score is a noob, and they are so adorable
They say noob instead of scrub [spoiler]scrub[/spoiler]
I'm pretty sure that I'm about to graduate Noob Academy.
People that think If you don't open the spirit bloom chest it highers the chance to get an exotic lol fools
or if there low rank, to me 15 and below are noobs