i dont mean to be THAt guy, did you by chance get bungies approval to use their copyrighted material??
Edited by Illustrator Joe: 3/6/2015 1:55:55 PMThis is fan art. I am not making any money off these designs. If someone from Bungie asked me to remove/alter the work I would promptly do so.
fair enough lol as interested in them as i am, i dont want any legal action brought back to me for using them, if i so wished.
I am not saying this to toot my own horn but just to give you some perspective on the situation. The first group I made I posted to Reddit. Deej actually responded that he shared them on twitter. Later occasionally in my other posts Bungie employees some being designers chimed in and gave me props. So really I do not think they mind.
fair enough i have already downloaded two lol, I just wanted to make sure no reprecutions could be brought back to me. for downloading it. you can never be too careful with things that are copyrighted. i appologize if i offended you. just trying to cover my own a$$. BTW amazing job!
No worries and no offended at all. You were just looking out. Enjoy the wallpapers ;)
any chance of getting the speakers emblems?
The are on my lengthy list of 60-70 I haven't done yet.
lol fair enough