This clown.... Earn the jelly
I agree
Yup I'm signing this is bullshit
Signed this dude doesnt know what he's talking about (I dont have gjallarhorn btw)
Ya... Just because I bought and was subbed for WoW... Am I entitled to be handed the rarest goodies? Ashes of Al'ar? No. Onyxian Drake? No. Rivendare's charger? No. Ooh how bout Invincible's reins? Uhm.... Again no. 2 YEARS of 4-5 runs a week and I still don't have ashes, invincible, experiment 42-b, and only just got onyxia.... RNG hurts sometimes but that doesn't mean anything needs nerfed.
You the REAL MVP.
Screw this noob! So he wants it nerfed and then he wants to buy it? What a dumbass
Yes, ridiculous ass post. I'm all for people getting their coveted weapons, but nerfing it so it can be sold is dump as f_ck. I hope everyone eventually gets it, I really do, but really?!
signing this keyboard
Can I count as 5
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