[b][+UPDATE+] Just last night Crota was kind enough to drop the amazing Hawkmoon for me. I wanted to come back and that you guys for offering up you words of encouragement. I'm still pretty stunned at it and can't stop checking it out on my character, lol. To those that still haven't received theirs I am proof that hope is alive. Keep at it fellow Guardians.[/b]
Here is a video I uploaded of the drop. [b][u]Skip to 3:48 if you just want to see it drop.[/u][/b]
Original Post
I have no problem with XBOXers having Hawkmoon or any other PS exclusive, I actually think keeping weapons and Strikes exclusive kinda sicks. With that said, I came to the sad realization that since playing from Alpha, I've yet to find a SINGLE PS exclusive gun, and probably won't before they loose exclusivity. A very depressing realization.
I have been in search of Hawkmoon since Day1 myself.. Still the only Exotic i've never fired.. I want to try this thing out in PvP soo bad....lol..