Today, I was honestly astonished with something I encountered when I was invited to join a raid team. We were playing on VoG hard from the start, and we were actually functioning quite well. We got up to the oracles with only minor problems, but this is where it got ugly. One of the group members began to verbally harass other raiders, [i]continuously[/i] calling people "-blam!-ing morons" anytime they made a mistake. He also continued to rush us, as if he was wasting his valuable time by even playing with us, despite the fact that he needed to complete it as well. It got so bad that I actually dropped the relic when the templar was nearly killed and returned to orbit, leaving the party as well. Some of you might be thinking "Why would you do this?! You could've gotten weapons!" Honestly? The weaponry isn't even worth it. I would much rather go without than listen to someone who thinks that they are literally god's gift to Destiny.
The sad thing is, I've [i]never[/i] encountered this until today. So far, everyone I've raided with has been great, but this guy effectively spoiled the entire experience for me. I honestly feel bad for the rest of his raid group, because they just let him push them around.
The reason I'm actually taking the time to make this post is because I think that this is the exact opposite of what Destiny is supposed to be. It's supposed to be about teamwork, communication, collaboration, and victory as a whole. You should want your team to succeed not just for you, but for them as well. Even when I play with randoms, I still give it my all and teamplay to the best of my ability, encouraging others and keeping up the morale. This player did the exact opposite of that, enough to actually make me quit the raid. So what is my point? I'm asking other guardians to please remember [i]not to be that guy[/i]. If your teammates are struggling or making mistakes, I guarantee you that calling them an idiot isn't going to make them any better. In fact, it'll probably get you a bad rep and get you kicked out of a couple raiding parties. If you're upset because a teammate is making mistakes, [i]tell them how to do better next time[/i]. For example, while holding the relic, I took down the templar's shields too early a couple times and received tongue lashings from this player. This was my first time using it for the templar, so of course I didn't know that you're supposed to wait for the oracles to go down. If he'd simply said "Hey, man, you need to wait until the oracles are destroyed before using your super," I would've said "Oh! Okay, no problem!" and did just that.
Remember, your team is not your enemy, and [i]every member of your team is important[/i]. Harassing them will probably make them perform worse! Give tips, not hateful words! Encourage, don't discourage! You aren't entitled to anything, and if you're leading the team because you have experience, take your responsibility seriously without lording it over them. Follow that advice, and you'll find yourself making quite a few more friends lists.
As a final note, please do not ask for the name of the aforementioned player. There's no need for naming and shaming. Also, please don't name and shame others, either.
I just really had to get this off my chest because the whole ordeal got me rather angry, and I'd rather not see other people have to suffer through the same thing. I hope the rest of you guardians have fun raiding and that you all keep it civil and work together. Happy hunting!
I only do raids with ransoms, but it is usually 90% cool people. The other 10% are sometimes tolerable, but I get one of them guys I don't stick around. Plenty of times to do a raid the rest of the week.
I have had about 1/3 or my raid teams have that guy and coincidentally 1/3 or my raids fall threw with everyone leaving because of that guy
I see too much of this. But I've seen the good as well. In my first Crota raid, I had a great team with a fireteam leader who got the best out of his team by teaching and encouraging the people who needed it. I could not have thanked him enough.
Raiding has led me to some of the best people I've met online. Skilled team players who enjoy the collective effort. I've kept them on my friend list. I've also played with awful people who become livid as soon as someone makes a mistake. It's just a game!! But I do love the raid for international relations
I sometimes get people like this in my raid team and I hate it, one time this guy was being a complete -Blam!-, we were firing rockets at crota and he moved in front of this one guy and proceeded to yell at him for moving behind him! He got so angry at the guy that he effectively killed because crota then killed our sword bearer and we wiped. He got so angry, that the rest of us voted to have him kicked and the host did and we five manned it. but god was that jut awful
Your lucky this was the first time encountering a raid troll. Wish you better luck on future teams, and don't let the troll bring you down. There are plenty of good people who know what they are doing and willing to help people learn. Don't give up!
kind of off topic, but whenever some sais "they think they're gods gift..." I'm just like, my name literally means gods gift
This is why you make your own raid teams if youre going with randoms, you have that beautiful boot option.
Great stuff man.
Well put. And there is the major reason I am put off raiding. I don't want to upset anyone by my incompetence.
People can be assholes, yes, but really to succumb the other 4 members to more of this dude's shit is no worse than that guy. I don't care about he loot but should have finished the fight then left the party.
So op white knighted and screwed 4 other people who did nothing wrong out of loot. Surely it was worth screwing those 4 guys over to teach the mouthy guy a lesson!
Well said
Had almost the same experience. Our sword runner seemed to be extremely frustrated over the smallest things. Continously cussing at our team and then began the racist remarks. I still have his PSN. Hope one day to meet him irl
Thing that made me mad, I was doing hard vault from the start for fatebringer, I was among the most helpful through confluxes and oracles, being one of two people alive at the end of confluxes. So when we get to the part with the drops I actually wanted, he kicked me, to bring a friend in, with no warning or anything. I wasn't being annoying, I was pulling more than my weight, etc. It sucked.
Edited by RebornV3: 3/8/2015 10:04:49 AM1. If someone has more raid completions then the ENTIRE party combined you -blam!-ing listen 2. Just cause you seen it on Youtube doesn't mean your strategy is better
I didn't read it but if you don't like what you're seeing go to orbit like the rest of us
Edited by Deputy 138: 3/7/2015 11:52:00 PMI will be honest, I only skimmed cause it was a bit lengthy. Got the basic message though. I love running new folks through. I know it's gonna take time. If one of my fellow veterans start raging at new guys it bothers me. So much to the point I will leave and invite everyone else but them. These types seem to be few and far between though, thank goodness.
Sometimes I wish we could name and shame, like this.
Welcome to the Internet, where everyone's a ¢¿nt.