Oh no!
Oh yes *drinks more*
CHEER UP LAD ITS GROG WITH COCAINE!!!!!!! *kisses the cheek* PARTY!!!!!!!!!!
*Laughs ands drinks more*
*passes some exotic engrams and my Gjallarhorn* Intrested now?
*yuo hitting in my gril* *takes off your helemt and hits you with it*
Atleast i can spell correctly
At least *drinks more *
Ah, never ceases to amaze me now where is my Gjallarhorn
I don't know *laughs *
I gave it to you honey
Im too drunk to remember wear it is
I kinda gave it to you as a present
No, you keep it
I am drunk
I can see that, now where were we?
*looks around* i think we ended up in the explosives room
*dances alognside* WOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Im drunk wooo
Seeing that im an A . I, i know all things the humans do
*grabs and sits on shoulder* PARTY!!!!!!!!!!
Hey im too drunk to be up this high put me down
*puts down* sorry *falls to the ground and shakes* ok i havent been this durnk a long time *grabs tyou and sits you somehwere safe* What a party *places armo over shoulder*