*stumbles back into dojo*
I amz hair! Iz hair papel, Iz heir.
*drinks scotch* *flask runs dry*
Hay, I tryd booze. Iz good. Dastes rale good. Iza knead ai plays tu stey. Meh tuu drank. Meh tuu drank. [spoiler]Is underage, totally wasted after a flask of straight scotch[/spoiler]Iv anaywon gotz tym, Iza knead sum halp gittin tu bed.
*vomits in bucket*
Playz, playz halp meh...
*bows, but collapses unconcious mid bow*
*is hungover* *still sleeping on floor*
Ughhhhhhh... [spoiler]wakes up*[/spoiler] Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit dat booze wuz strungh, dat booze wuz strungh. Hmmmmm. I thank Iz kno wut wale halp meh gut betta. *pulls neurotoxic darr out of gauntlet* *self injects* Iv sumwon cud carri meh tu ai sayf locasion, dat be na- *paralyzed for 15 minutes*