Marriage has been around for way longer than your so called [i]traditions[/i].
A marriage should be between two humans. Skin color, sex, political opinion, religion or lack thereof shouldn't matter.
Not really. The typical American marriage we know of was conceived by the Jews, and nurtured by the Christians. While civilizations like the Greek and Romans managed to allow room for same-sex marriage, they're quite literally on their own. Aside from a few random civilizations, those were the only two places where homosexuality was even mildly accepted. Now, I'm not saying that tradition should dictate how we act. However, when the issue is about something that literally only exists because of tradition, it seems a little odd to try and change it. (And when I say 'odd', I mean 'laughably hateful', considering the only people that want to change it are those who opposite the tradition(alists).)