I can't f*cking take this anymore! I have to study alot of time? What the f*ck!?
Now wait a minute, here, if you want to pass, you need to get 60% atleast, and the teaching system is hard as f*ck!
So I was getting 95%-100% in junior high, now I study 5 times more and get 80%-90%, yeah I know 80%-90% is good, but when I hit 11th grade my grades will go down and admit it, no one wants to finish school like an idiot with low grades.
For f*ck's sake it pisses me off, I can't do anything with my life except for studying.
Do you mind sharing how did you pass high school, and how frustrating your life was? Or give me some advice to make me feel better?
i have a good memory so i lucked out, i passed four ap exams, should have passed six. lol It is worth it, work hard now, benefit later. Trust me.
I'm only ten, so I'll experience this all? Waaaa
I hope this is a joke.
I got my G.E.D. after I was arrested senior year. Did some community college after that to even it out. Never had a problem getting a job and life is pretty good. Definitely finish high school if u can though.
School has undeniably gotten easier to pass over the last decade since I graduated. Even more, when I was in high school I barely did anything and still graduated.
Social promotion.
Well video games don't help. I barely squeezed by my senior year due to an imbalance of leisure and responsibility. I had to let go of gaming and took my studies seriously....2 weeks before senior finals... Life is nothing but sacrifices from now on. You're gonna have to let go of something to advance.
Have sex with your hottest teacher
If high school is actually hard, you're a dunce
I graduated 16 out of 1000 and a year early..
Edited by Threat Shift: 3/9/2015 4:29:36 PMI haven't... PLOT TWIST!!!!! [spoiler]Im 15 and going into grade 10, I'm just gonna try an pass all my courses and get the required credits[/spoiler]
by paying attention to the bare minimum and only caring about the courses I liked
For us to pass, we have to get a 70+. It's a lot harder when the teachers think they can give you a test where you have to "infer using prior knowledge" and "apply what you've learned".
I was an introverted, unpopular, socially awkward, insomniac, so I went to night school
Oh just wait. It gets worse. :)[spoiler]then you get a job with no summer vacation.[/spoiler]
My parent force my principle to give me a passing grade since my teacher was a dumbass and gave me a 40 for getting 5/6 answer correct on every test since his grading system was Level 1: 3 question. All right. 70% Level 2: 2 question. Both level 1 and 2 correct 85% Level 3: 1 question. All level right 100%. I always mess up one question on level 1 which result in a failing grade apparently
It wasn't that hard.
Edited by arch4ng13: 3/9/2015 1:45:41 PMI was in sports and still was top 10% of my class taking all pre-AP and AP classes except for 4 classes and I had a blast, hardly studied at all. HS was the best years of my life, I felt like I didn't have any work to do. You think HS is hard? Be prepared to work 20x harder and with less sleep when you go to college.
It's easy to pass. I slacked off and dicked around and still made it out of there. If you're actually doing responsible things like "studying," you'll do fine. Don't sweat it none, child.
Don't take advanced classes unless they relate to your anticipated career area or they interest you. Learn to manage your time wisely and prioritize classes. GPA-wise, it's better to take an A- and a B- than two B's.
I didn't study at all, and I still passed. I'm pretty good at taking tests, but I never did any homework, so I almost failed because of that.
Dont study
I done all my homework in class and i never studied in high school. Had various grades in different subjects but got through it. Just pay attention.
I payed attention in Middle School.
I don't know, unfortunately due to issues in my home life I was forced to drop out :[ now all my courses cost $500 each which I can't afford so I'll probably never get my diploma. Plus, I was just never school smart, probably due to the fact that I don't retain information very well no matter how hard I try.