Edited by Alonfé: 3/8/2015 6:02:01 PM*is hungover and passed out on floor*
*pokes with stick*
Huh. *walks away*
I don't even know how to explain...
Oh ninja...you just keep eating your bacon.
Hmm nethier do i
You had a good time lol
I had a terrible time lol!
My head hurts because I hit the ground too hard when I passed out from standing up too fast
Also... i pumched you in the face too
Kind of. I went incorporeal before you could do it
*Slaps you back and forth twice* I take mh chances
*goes incorporeal and floats down through floor before third one*
There was no third one[spoiler]p.s i destroyed BoS[/spoiler]
Oh boy. How much did you drink?
None. As soon as it started I went to stand up, and passed out because I stood up to fast. I think I have a concussion...
Oh brother....
It sucks. I think I'm going to go to the infirmary... *goest to infirmary for concussion*
Im fine bevause im the dojo's A.I
Edited by Trashcan Jesus: 3/8/2015 2:51:50 PM*vertibird flies into marketplace, lands* HOLY SHIT LAST NIGHT WAS FUN! (Daily Tripper perk reduces the effects of drugs and alcohol on me :) )I have repair materials if needed. Otherwise, you guys know the drill. Btw, not only bringing things from the wasteland now! Have shit from other worlds. *pulls out AK-12*
Do you know who Alchestbreach is?
Yeah. I love steve and cuddles
HOLY SHIT! It's nice to finally meet a fellow hussy
Bad company you never cease to amaze.