What was your last post on the old Bungie.net? Post it in a quote!
[quote][url=http://i.cdn.turner.com/si//.element/img/4.0/story/olympics/2010/athletes/201001020106039900490-p2.jpeg]Male, [/url] [url=http://cdn2-b.examiner.com/sites/default/files/styles/image_content_width/hash/44/e8/44e8de4e1b1ab5dab22c3aed2b5caf13.jpg]Female[/url][/quote]
My last ever post there was a pretty bad one to be honest, it was in a dream guy/girl thread. What about yours?
Got to: http://halo.bungie.net/Search/default.aspx?q=[YOUR USERNAME]&g=5 to see yours!
[quote]My parents are huge sticklers about school and always try to pressure me into trying harder, but I can't help it - I just don't give a -blam!-. My parents demand B's and A's, but as long as I have at least D's, I'm passing, so it shouldn't really matter. I very much look forward to the day I exit high school and never have to return. And as some other people said - an education isn't as valuable today as earlier generations since pretty much every kid is granted one.[/quote] In [url=http://halo.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=76755289]this[/url] thread.