I think we should all get custom avatars! Though of course, some people my post bad/dirty pictures. Since Achronos has tons of free time he got just look through and approve/disapprove all of them. What do you think of this idea?
No. Always no. When you give the internet freedom, they degrade to immaturity. This isn't 4chan, but if you gave the ability to make whatever they wanted their display picture, it would sure feel like it. Moderators have a busy enough time maintaining a socially acceptable forum, they don't need any more put on their plate.
Unfortunately, since we lost Coup, we've been missing that level of involvement. I used to identify users solely on their coups, so the update has made it rather difficult to find users I knew. I'd love to see a coup-like level of customization implemented at some point.
I've been saying this. We should get custom avatars. :)
Nope, I'm happy how it is.
Nah. But RunningTurtle already promised me my spinning mustache bomb so it's K. >.> <.<
When or if Coup 6 comes, Bnext will get a whole lot better.
I was pretty surprised to discover, when first trying out Bnext, that they [i]still[/i] didn't have custom avatars. Pretty big oversight, in my opinion. Not that it was the only one.
Considering we have the ability to post images now, I don't see any reason for us not to have them.
As long as the ninjas have to approve them first.
It wouldn't be a bad idea.
it should have something like Battlelog has. You can have your own custom avatars there. They use the site gravatar for avatars and works great. https://en.gravatar.com/
I agree along with custom pics for groups. Have an approval system and there will be no issues.